AUSA Authors' Forum

AUSA Authors

The AUSA Book Program offers high-quality books about military history, leadership, and national security. Learn about our authors’ latest projects during the AUSA Authors’ Forum—and visit the AUSA Education Booth to have them sign their books. Plus, get free copies of the new AUSA graphic novel.

Authors' Forum: Monday, 14 October 2024

1300 - 1500 | Room 145A

COL George P. Coan, Jr., U.S. Army, Retired
Association of the United States Army

Panel #1:

The Forging of a Leader

  • Dr. Stephen A. Bourque
    Author, Tubby: Raymond O. Barton and the US Army, 1889-1963 (University of North Texas Press)

  • Dr. Michael D. Matthews
    Co-editor, Leadership in Dangerous Situations, Second Edition: A Handbook for the Armed Forces, Emergency Services, and First Responders
    (Naval Institute Press) 

  • Dr. J. Furman Daniel III
    Author, Blood, Mud, and Oil Paint: The Remarkable Year that Made Winston Churchill (University Press of Kentucky)

Panel #2:

Challenges of the Battlefield 

  • MG James W. Hosinger, Jr. 
    United States Army, Retired
    Editor, Patton's Tactician: The War Diary of Lieutenant General Geoffrey Keyes (University Press of Kentucky)

  • Mr. Kenneth P. White
    Author, The Battle of Bong Son: Operation Masher/White Wing, 1966 (Casemate Publishers) 

  • Mr. Steven J. Zaloga
    Author, US Battle Tanks 1917-1945 (Osprey Publishing)

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